Sunday, August 26, 2012

The First Step is Admitting It...

Well, I have decided to keep a blog of my personal feelings and happenings as I start a new chapter in my life.  I first want to start with admitting who I am.  I am a MOM.  That is who I am.  I have three wonderful children (I may be a bit biased) and they are my world.  My children are Alex-Age 6, Eric-Age 4, and Josephine-Age 4 months.  I have been blessed to be able to stay home with them and learn along with them.  Being a mom is definitely not a walk in the park, but at the end of most days, I can say that I wouldn't trade it for anything (key word being MOST days).  I consider myself a pretty normal person (well, define normal) and for once I want to document real life.  Not drama filled life (although there are some days...) or picture perfect life (we have a few of those moments), just real life, the way it is.

This official start of the school year starts tomorrow.  I am excited (I think, or maybe it is terrified) for the start of a new chapter.  I will be my oldest son's first grade teacher this year.  Yup, that's right folks, I am "one of those homeschooling parents" now.  Take me back to this time last year and I would have NEVER dreamed I would be where I am right now.  My oldest, Alex went off to Kindergarten, eager and excited.  My middle one, Eric was enrolled in preschool and I was pregnant with our third child (finally).  Life was pretty average and life marched forward.  As time went on I started to teach at Eric's preschool.  I LOVED IT!  Words cannot describe how much I adored teaching these kids.  I had never considered myself a teacher, but it felt comfortable and good in the shoes of a teacher.  Fast forward to about March and then I started feeling an inner itch about Alex and school.  Something wasn't right, but I couldn't put my finger on it. There was the typical drama of having a kindegartener that just doesn't quite fit in, but still, something wasn't right.  I spent a lot of time on my knees.  Yes I am "one of those praying parents" too.  I kept getting the feeling that I needed to homeschool Alex, but really that is not the answer I wanted, so I decided to keep praying and maybe I would get a better answer.  Well, April came and baby sister was born!  One of my friends once told me that it is an entirely different ballgame when you go from two kids to three.  HOLY MOLY!  She was right!  Yikes!  I am still hoping I can gather all of the pieces of my brain and have them in the same spot at the same time someday soon...things aren't looking too good on that end.  Anyway, by the end of the school year in May, my husband and I had concluded that the answer was to keep Alex home next year.  Well, "next year" has arrived and I really hope I am ready.  I think I have my first week planned out, but I know that Alex will set the pace once we get started.  I bought myself a Teacher Planner, which is really a glorified personal calendar, but it helps me to see everything laid out and written down.  I say tonight and went through the pile of curriculum I ordered from A Beka and I think I have my head in order for the first week...don't even ask about the rest of the year.

I am a planner at heart. I love knowing what is coming next and what to expect.  I hate surprises and I thrive on a schedule.  Well, something happened and I have started to understand that at times I have to sit back and wait for things to happen, or press forward in the dark and wait for the light to come on.  I call it organized chaos.  Yikes, I never thought I would refer to my life as organized chaos, but really, it is.  My Heavenly Father has taught me a whole lot about rolling with the punches, having an open mind, and being patient (I'm still working hard on this one).  My goal is to post on here Monday-Friday.  Alex will have time each day to write in his journal, and I am going to use this as my personal journal time.  I think it will help me to stay focused and to look at the big picture.  Well, at least I hope it will.  Well, tomorrow the journey begins.

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